AgentEG said:
Ggggio said:
I'm super stoked!!!
Just closed a deal in south NJ for a 36 month lease @12,000mi, $2,000 down, $257mo.
Picking it up next Monday
How did you do that? Please let us know the details!
I went for a test drive before Thanksgiving and explained I was looking to buy/lease at the end of March 2015.
The quote I was given is what I believed to be the nationally advertised, after seeing the prices people pay on the left coast I'm not so sure that was the right assumption, of 2000 down, 299 per month with 12K mi/year.
I emailed the two nearest dealerships to my zip code, giving them the terms I had been offered by one of them, explaining that if they had more advantageous terms I wished to be notified.
The dealership where I test drove never offered anything better but the other responded with a 279/mo 2000 down for 12K, the catch was that I needed to take possession of the car before 12/31/2014.
I replied I would only take it now for 259/mo.
Initially they told me that was a misquote but they would honor it regardless, that gave it away that they were blowing smoke up my butt so I let a couple of days go by and went back to them with a "so do you want to sell this car before year end? if so let's do the 259/mo, otherwise merry Christmas and happy new year" that was hook, line and sinker!
I went back to the first dealership and explained what deal I was offered and the salesperson, really nice guy, told me they could surely beat that.
I wasn't out to be a total ******* so I explained I would be happy with him matching the deal and the handshake we had for the originally intended March sale would be honored: he beat it $2

...and here we are.
I'm very surprised at how quickly the e-Golf sells and what people are charged out west and, conversely, at the fact the car I test drove in November is still sitting in the lot.
I even thought it might be worth to lease here and ship west: has anyone thought about that?