e-Golf factory maintenance schedule: front axle differential lock fluid

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Per factory maintenance schedule, e-Golf needs a new fluid every 3 years.

This sounds like snake oil. Until I came across this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6sygzT8v7I
"Oil change on the e-Golf! We change the oil on the differential"
I think this is a typo. The paper document that came with my car makes no mention of differential fluid.



You are welcome to get the oil changed but i don’t agree it is required.
I came across this link as well https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2019/MC-10164262-0001.pdf
Looks like they removed Front axle differential lock fluid in 2019 revision of the maintenance schedule.

It's surprising that coolant flush is not listed.
I am not surprised about coolant lasting the "lifetime" of the car (for most people). ICE coolant experiences a very punishing environment, while EV coolant, especially in the e-Golf is only mildly heated. Ever try putting your hand on an ICE engine block (and keeping it there indefinitely) after a two hour highway drive? Probably not. I have done the same with my e-Golf motor and found it warm to the touch but I did not get burned. By operating at a much lower temperature, the coolant in an EV powertrain degrades far more slowly than coolant in an ICE powertrain because all of the degradation mechanisms (oxidation, corrosion, contamination) rate constants follow the Arrhenius law, an equation describing how rate constants vary with temperature in an exponential fashion. Additionally, contamination of EV coolant is probably orders of magnitude less than in an ICE car with exhaust gases, gasoline, and oil all contributing to the rapid degradation of coolant.

Again, you are welcome to change the coolant, but I imagine it is good for at least 200,000 miles.