JoulesThief said:
Coming from a TDI, you're in for range shock from your e-Golf.
Oh I know, hence why I was going back and forth on whether to buy one or not. Also going to miss bombing down the freeway doing 85-90 like it was nothing.
If you want more range from your e-Golf, I really do suggest ( and I live in the Valley), that you slow it down to 55 or 60 mph in the e-Golf
I kept the cruise control at 70. It was a nice compromise to not be the slowest car on the commute and also returned 4.2 KW/mi on the way to work and 4.4KW/mi on the way home (with the AC running).
Anyone else beside me think it's looks kludgey under the hood? Looks a bit like a homebrew EV car. (FWIW the 2019 doesn't have a plastic VW emblem cover under the hood) And the menagerie of coolant hoses going everywhere!
Since when does traffic get up to 55 on a Los Angeles freeway
There are moments

Usually Saturday morning on the way to San Gabriel for dim sum it's 85-90 the whole way.
Had an unpleasant surprise when I added the eGolf to our insurance. $1K more per year to insure this eGolf over my Jetta. $500 more than the wife's now 1 year old 2018 Mazda 3 which we bought new.