windshield chips

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Dec 15, 2015
I have 2 small windshield chips on my leased 2016 eGolf. Does anyone know if this is considered regular wear a tear? There are less than 1 inch. Will I need to fix it before I return the car?

I took it to a windshield repair place and they said they could not repair because it has wires in the windshield.

Any help would be appreciated .
From VW's Wear and Tear Guide:

"Single windshield chip without spidering"

So two such chips would be considered excess wear and tear. However, if it doesn't render your car illegal to drive in your area (e.g. in some states not in an area that is cleaned by the wipers), I would use clear nail polish to seal up the chip so it doesn't spread. Then I would wait until the lease end inspection and see what they say. There's also a chance that you'll get more such chips before the end of your lease, so don't replace the windshield now if don't have to.