Wait time for an E-Golf being ordered/built from the factory

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Dec 28, 2014
Hello all,

I placed an order for my 2016 E-Golf from the factory when they first released the "drivers assistance" package in the US in mid February. They said it could be 3-5 month before it arrives then they said it should be here (Washington, DC) in mid May or maybe even mid April. Does anybody know how long it actually takes to get new VW's from the factory?

Thinking back to when I ordered my Tesla, it only took them four weeks from when I custom ordered it to when it was delivered. If it does take 3 months, what takes so long? I'm sure VW is a lot more automated than Tesla and they can't be producing that many of them.

As a side note, this is a replacement for my lemon 2015 that VW is graciously replacing for me.
preilly44 said:
Hello all,

I placed an order for my 2016 E-Golf from the factory when they first released the "drivers assistance" package in the US in mid February. They said it could be 3-5 month before it arrives then they said it should be here (Washington, DC) in mid May or maybe even mid April. Does anybody know how long it actually takes to get new VW's from the factory?

Thinking back to when I ordered my Tesla, it only took them four weeks from when I custom ordered it to when it was delivered. If it does take 3 months, what takes so long? I'm sure VW is a lot more automated than Tesla and they can't be producing that many of them.

As a side note, this is a replacement for my lemon 2015 that VW is graciously replacing for me.
Because when you ordered your Tesla those cars are in full production.

The eGolf with drivers assist is not. Hence you have to wait until it is or just wait your turn in line to get the 'next' one that rolls out.

Considering that the Tesla X is a 2 or 3 year wait time, a few months can't be much of a problem.
For US buyers, I don't think you can "order" a VW in the way we could order a Tesla or F-150 to spec, or the way that Germans can order a VW to spec. It seems like they're just waiting for one to show up at the port as Forbin implied.
Had your foregone the drivers assist package, it would be here a lot sooner. Every time you add something that's brand new, and they bring it here to the USA, it's possibly problematic. If you get their bread and butter model, the ones that they make day in and day out, the probability of problems is much, much, much less.

You'll probably end up a beta test again. Don't whine if it gives you problems or headaches. The germans are slow to debug cars for the USA market, this car is a loss leader for VW and considered a compliance car. That you already own a Tesla is going to make this e-Golf car a disappointment for you.
JoulesThief said:
Don't whine if it gives you problems or headaches. The germans are slow to debug cars for the USA market, this car is a loss leader for VW and considered a compliance car. That you already own a Tesla is going to make this e-Golf car a disappointment for you.

Seriously JoulesThief? "Don't whine" when a feature that has been out for months in Europe is still problematic? I'm sorry that I want all the safety features available on my car. If it isn't ready, they shouldn't release it. End of story.
preilly44 said:
JoulesThief said:
Don't whine if it gives you problems or headaches. The germans are slow to debug cars for the USA market, this car is a loss leader for VW and considered a compliance car. That you already own a Tesla is going to make this e-Golf car a disappointment for you.

Seriously JoulesThief? "Don't whine" when a feature that has been out for months in Europe is still problematic? I'm sorry that I want all the safety features available on my car. If it isn't ready, they shouldn't release it. End of story.

How about you being the safety feature? How about zero operator error, and paying attention while driving? Do you think you can drive better than the programmers can anticipate every single situation?

Yes, seriously. When the program can drive faster around the course than a race driver, get back to us. Otherwise, to me, it's nothing more than a sales gimmick, relying on someone else to apply common sense.
JoulesThief said:
preilly44 said:
JoulesThief said:
Don't whine if it gives you problems or headaches. The germans are slow to debug cars for the USA market, this car is a loss leader for VW and considered a compliance car. That you already own a Tesla is going to make this e-Golf car a disappointment for you.

Seriously JoulesThief? "Don't whine" when a feature that has been out for months in Europe is still problematic? I'm sorry that I want all the safety features available on my car. If it isn't ready, they shouldn't release it. End of story.

How about you being the safety feature? How about zero operator error, and paying attention while driving? Do you think you can drive better than the programmers can anticipate every single situation?

Yes, seriously. When the program can drive faster around the course than a race driver, get back to us. Otherwise, to me, it's nothing more than a sales gimmick, relying on someone else to apply common sense.

You are crazy if you don't think features like autonomous braking and eventually autonomous driving will save thousands of lives every year once the majority of cars on the road have them. I could care less about a car driving itself faster than professional race car driver.
preilly44 said:
You are crazy if you don't think features like autonomous braking and eventually autonomous driving will save thousands of lives every year once the majority of cars on the road have them. I could care less about a car driving itself faster than professional race car driver.

I'd contend you are a lazy driver. Maybe you should take the metro, or bus, if you don't wish to actively participate in actually driving, instead, dumbing down driver skills.
JoulesThief said:
preilly44 said:
You are crazy if you don't think features like autonomous braking and eventually autonomous driving will save thousands of lives every year once the majority of cars on the road have them. I could care less about a car driving itself faster than professional race car driver.

I'd contend you are a lazy driver. Maybe you should take the metro, or bus, if you don't wish to actively participate in actually driving, instead, dumbing down driver skills.

Yes, I am a lazy driver because I want to be as safe as possible. Should we get rid of seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and any other safety feature too? If it were up to you, we would all be riding horses still.

I'm done with responding to you as this is not doing anything other than wasting both of our times. We are never going to see each others point of view.
preilly44 said:
JoulesThief said:
preilly44 said:
You are crazy if you don't think features like autonomous braking and eventually autonomous driving will save thousands of lives every year once the majority of cars on the road have them. I could care less about a car driving itself faster than professional race car driver.

I'd contend you are a lazy driver. Maybe you should take the metro, or bus, if you don't wish to actively participate in actually driving, instead, dumbing down driver skills.

Yes, I am a lazy driver because I want to be as safe as possible. Should we get rid of seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and any other safety feature too?

If it were up to you, we would all be riding horses still.


Well, that escalated quickly.
preilly44 said:
JoulesThief said:
preilly44 said:
You are crazy if you don't think features like autonomous braking and eventually autonomous driving will save thousands of lives every year once the majority of cars on the road have them. I could care less about a car driving itself faster than professional race car driver.

I'd contend you are a lazy driver. Maybe you should take the metro, or bus, if you don't wish to actively participate in actually driving, instead, dumbing down driver skills.

Yes, I am a lazy driver because I want to be as safe as possible. Should we get rid of seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and any other safety feature too? If it were up to you, we would all be riding horses still.

I'm done with responding to you as this is not doing anything other than wasting both of our times. We are never going to see each others point of view.

Of course, why not... I never use ANY of those features, yet I have to pay for them, and they get thrown away at the end of the life of the car, all for naught. It's stupid government that has mandated all of those add ons, making cars un affordable for the poorer folks.

The goal, the object of driving is to NOT have operator error, then none of those features are necessary. Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid, and without all the extra junk on the cars, Darwin's Law would be more effective.

I think you'd be much happier with a Tesla 3, just wait a bit, order one, wait your 1 month, and get a full refund on your e-Golf.
AJx said:
preilly44 said:
Yes, I am a lazy driver because I want to be as safe as possible. Should we get rid of seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and any other safety feature too?

If it were up to you, we would all be riding horses still.


Well, that escalated quickly.
As a new member you probably won't understand that we love to bait JoulesThief.
forbin404 said:
AJx said:
preilly44 said:
Yes, I am a lazy driver because I want to be as safe as possible. Should we get rid of seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and any other safety feature too?

If it were up to you, we would all be riding horses still.


Well, that escalated quickly.
As a new member you probably won't understand that we love to bait JoulesThief.
Ah, yes, forbin speaks for all.