Something different: Ant attack ???

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Mar 14, 2017
So my car charges outside and further than the reach of the charger, so I have a J-long extension. The original VW grey "gun" clips into the J-long and the J-long gun goes into the car.. I came out yesterday to find the Charger side of the gun (the grey one) *black* with ants...I mean hundreds, the little buggers were crawling all over it getting inside the trigger mechanism, everywhere...

Your could not do better covering this with honey and dropping it on an ant hill... I sprayed (disconnected), cleaned, and this morning, same deal ! Is it possible the electric charge is attracting the little critters ? How weird is that ? The J-long female receptacle is clean as a whistle, not a single ant on it, like it's repellent.. But the grey gun (VW supplied charger) appears like Ant heaven. Anyone ever seen this ? I'm gonna have to suspend it off the driveway...
Deschodt said:
So my car charges outside and further than the reach of the charger, so I have a J-long extension. The original VW grey "gun" clips into the J-long and the J-long gun goes into the car.. I came out yesterday to find the Charger side of the gun (the grey one) *black* with ants...I mean hundreds, the little buggers were crawling all over it getting inside the trigger mechanism, everywhere...

Your could not do better covering this with honey and dropping it on an ant hill... I sprayed (disconnected), cleaned, and this morning, same deal ! Is it possible the electric charge is attracting the little critters ? How weird is that ? The J-long female receptacle is clean as a whistle, not a single ant on it, like it's repellent.. But the grey gun (VW supplied charger) appears like Ant heaven. Anyone ever seen this ? I'm gonna have to suspend it off the driveway...

Is someone else, maybe a child with who knows what on their hands, touching or grabbing the handle, covering it with something tasty to ants?
JoulesThief said:
Is someone else, maybe a child with who knows what on their hands, touching or grabbing the handle, covering it with something tasty to ants?

That would be my guess. I've owned two EVs and have NEVER seen this problem, even with public charging stations.
Nope, nobody else, and just that half of the connection...
I've read up on it and it seems electricity affects some species of ants, they go after outlets too... I've read some threads from Tesla owners.. Very odd. For now I sprayed and suspended the connection... I never had an issue before either, but it's suer suspicious how they were ALL over the VW gun and not at all anywhere else...
Deschodt said:
Nope, nobody else, and just that half of the connection...
I've read up on it and it seems electricity affects some species of ants, they go after outlets too... I've read some threads from Tesla owners.. Very odd. For now I sprayed and suspended the connection... I never had an issue before either, but it's suer suspicious how they were ALL over the VW gun and not at all anywhere else...
It's not a gun, don't refer to it as a gun, it's a locking charging handle. It's also the only place on the cable that's ever touched by your hands. Hands transmit all kinds of germs, oils, anything you contact with it, including donut glaze, jam, sugar, what ever. But maybe it is electricity. Wash the whole handle in dishwater made with dawn dish detergent, and see if the come back or not.
gvblake22 said:
Sorry for your infestation but I want pictures!

I treated the ants mounds near the driveway and suspended the cord on the fence since.... I will definitely take a pic next time this happens, it's kinda spooky.