Scratches inside headlight

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user 1485

May 14, 2018
Okay, this is a bit of a weird one...on my brand new e-Golf I just noticed that there are some scratches on the inside of one of the headlights. Anyone else notice this? Think it’s worth mentioning it to the dealer (I bought it a couple weeks ago)?
I just noticed the same thing when I was washing the car the other day. Seems like it might be a stress crack, as you can't feel the cracks from the outside of the lens. I have an appointment with VW next week and will advise them about the issue. Better to have it looked at before it gets worse, and it falls out of warranty.
Car is at the dealership today, and they called to tell me that they took pictures to send to head office for direction. They came back saying to order a new head light housing under warranty. The dealership said the part should be recieved in the next couple days.
Time to get yours looked at Tim....
Nice! If you don’t mind me asking, was the dealer in the SF area? If so, do you recall your service advisor’s contact info? I’d rather not start from scratch (pun very much intended) if I can help it.
No sorry, I'm not is the SF Bay area...GTA (greater Toronto area).
Hopefully it will be straight forward for ya though
That's great! Definitely not something I've experienced in any other car, but something that's worth being replaced under warranty.
realize this is an older thread.

What you are seeing is called plastic crazing & are stress cracks. The usual cause is a manufacturing design flaw & in the case of the photo shown on this thread, it "should be" an issue that should be reported to the NHTSA to force VW into a recall.

It is sometimes seen in Aviation circles with aircraft windshields not properly designed for the stresses of wind & the flexing a car sees when in motion.