Scheduled charge overrun

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Jul 17, 2019
2019 SE - When running a scheduled charge program, I find the actual time to run from 1/2 to 1 hour longer than the time originally set. If I also include heating while on charge, heating stops more or less according to the correct set time. Seems like odd behavior. Anyone else notice something similar?
I never had your issue charging on L2. I rarely charge on L1, but a fews days ago I stayed overnight at a friend’s house and set a departure time with heating (temps were in the high 30’s in the am) and while the car was warm, it was not at the target % SoC, just like you observed. I think VW has a bug in the code that does not compensate for the extra time needed to charge on L1 vs L2 when the heat (or AC) is set.