For an e-Golf lease it's my understanding that VW dealerships use the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit to discount the MSRP.
In other words, VW discounts the purchase price and they claim the credit.
Does that mean that the lessee would pay the sales tax on the discounted amount?
(I purchased my e-Golf)
Asking because one sale person I spoke told me that they called it a rebate which means that lessee would pay tax on MSRP and then get relief on the amount financed at the end.
In other words, VW discounts the purchase price and they claim the credit.
Does that mean that the lessee would pay the sales tax on the discounted amount?
(I purchased my e-Golf)
Asking because one sale person I spoke told me that they called it a rebate which means that lessee would pay tax on MSRP and then get relief on the amount financed at the end.