A while ago, I came across an article about using Hyper-miling technique "Pulse and Glide" on EV's and some in that forum argued that it doesn't work because of aggressive regenerative braking that "kills" momentum. But the e-Golf, with the option to set regenerative to zero in D, seem to be a perfect EV to glide. Sure enough, I experiment this technique over the last few months and saw my highway average increased from 3.7m/kmh to about 4.0-4.2m/kmh with the average speed around 60-65 mph. I only use this exclusively on highway or long uninterrupted stretch with D as the default and occasionally switch to D1(more like pulse and drag!) for slight downhill to control speed and recharge the batteries. My Pulse to Glide ratio is about 60/40 depends on situation. For city driving, I use B or D1-3 most of the time. My overall average m/kmh for a year of ownership is around 4.3m/kmh in hilly Seattle. Anyway, I am just curious if anyone in this forum has tried the "pulse and glide" method with success and would like to share their experiences too. Would like to hear from you! Thanks.