NorCal leasing price check

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Dec 31, 2016

I was offered two lease term for E-Golf SE with quick charger.

1. 30 months @ $97/month with $3000 down with all fees, tax and title included.
2. 36 months @ 104/month with $3000 again with all fees tax and title included.

This is for 10k miles/year after $1000 loyalty discount and unknown amount of Apple employee discount (I am guessing it's $500). Does the number above sounds reasonable or should I aim for lower?

Thanks in advance.
PS hoping to close the deal before the end of year.

Edit getting the terminology straight, when I said down payment, I meant drive off.
That's deal with 10K annual miles as long as you stay under 10K miles. You should still get your CA E.V. incentives as well.

Good luck!
Interesting that the rate is higher for a longer lease term. I'd assume this means the depreciation of having it an extra 6 months cuts the residual down quite a bit.

Anyway, getting an SE with quick charger for under $200/month on average is a good deal. Assuming you meet the income requirements, throw the $2500 rebate on top of it and it's costing you basically nothing.

The $1000 loyalty discount expires Jan 3rd so make sure to jump on it now.
Guys thanks for the feedback, unfortunately when I was ready to pull the trigger, they sold the car already. This happened to me last time too when I was buying a Golf R but fortunately I was able to get a similar deal the following month (also January). I will try again at the end of the month to see if I can get a deal under $200/month.
There were hundreds of e-Golfs on Northern California dealer lots in December. I'm surprised you weren't able to get one for the price offered.
Sunnyvale is notorious for '1 available at this price' shenanigans. A co-worker leased there and had a similar experience; the deal he was quoted expired overnight when the car he test-drove was (supposedly) sold. He still leased from them, but had to pay $20 more per month.

I hate those silly games and ended up making the extra trip to Hayward. They made it very clear their prices applied to all inventory, not just a specific stock number.
johnnylingo said:
Sunnyvale is notorious for '1 available at this price' shenanigans. A co-worker leased there and had a similar experience; the deal he was quoted expired overnight when the car he test-drove was (supposedly) sold. He still leased from them, but had to pay $20 more per month.

I hate those silly games and ended up making the extra trip to Hayward. They made it very clear their prices applied to all inventory, not just a specific stock number.
They only get away with those shenanigans if you let them. There is no difference from one car to another. If they want to claim that one color is more in demand than another, so be it, get another color. We got our 2015 LE from Sunnyvale on one of those advertised "one at this price" deals and we even got the color we wanted. You just have to be willing to walk away. They will pull you back in because they have a lot of cars they have to move. If you look at their inventory they have more e-Golfs than any other model, most by a huge margin.

Sunnyvale has 130 new cars. 34 e-Golf, 33 Jetta, 20 Passat and no other model more than 10 cars.
Stevens Creek has 244 new cars, 111 e-Golf, 46 Passat, 27 Jetta, 15 Tiguan, and no other model more than 10 cars.

That is some seriously distorted inventory.
Sunnyvale has 130 new cars. 34 e-Golf.
Stevens Creek has 244 new cars, 111 e-Golf.

That is some seriously distorted inventory.[/quote]

Someone should be willing to deal with that many on the lot. Wow!
I'd say they're willing to deal but not desperate. As has been discussed on other threads, the 2017/2018 models won't be here until mid-spring. So they have 3-4 months to get rid of the remaining 2016s.
The offer was actually coming from Stevens Creek.

My guess is that they hit their monthly quota so they didn't have to sell it at that low of price. I did try to get the other dealers to play along but no one seems to be interesting in selling at that price. Since I still have a car to drive, I am not that desperate, I will shot emails to dealers again at the end of the month to see if anyone is willing to bite.

The way I look at this is that buying an electric car is like buying a smart phone, the technology will only get better and price will only drop.
jdamon said:
The offer was actually coming from Stevens Creek.

My guess is that they hit their monthly quota so they didn't have to sell it at that low of price. I did try to get the other dealers to play along but no one seems to be interesting in selling at that price. Since I still have a car to drive, I am not that desperate, I will shot emails to dealers again at the end of the month to see if anyone is willing to bite.

The way I look at this is that buying an electric car is like buying a smart phone, the technology will only get better and price will only drop.
If you still have a car that works and aren't desperate to get into a new car, I would wait for a 2017. I would only get a 2016 if you really have to get a car soon.
We just leased a 2016 e-Golf SE with DCFC from Stevens Creek on Friday for $2,400 down and 30 monthly payments of $175 ($161 + tax). This was for a 7,500 mile per year lease. First month is due at signing, so actual drive off was $2,575. This is without any recent college grad or loyalty discount as we didn't qualify for either. Disposition fee is $350, which we'll need to pay when we return the vehicle. Besides the DCFC option, the car also came with a cargo net ($100) and a first aid kit ($35).

The only things they worked into the lease was a Portfolio Protection Express Code/Etch System for $196 (I think all their cars come with this, so you don't really have a choice), and Portfolio Protection Express Dent Care for $453, which the finance guy talked me into for $1 something more per month.

I have a feeling that Hayward VW has a better deal (link below), but hard to say without knowing what the actual drive off is with all the taxes and fees and without the college grad and loyalty discounts.

The Delphi 110v charger it comes with is slow as hell (~20 hours), so we're gonna get a Juicebox 40 for $500, which should charge it in about 3.5 hours.