Insurance Max Deductible for Leasing?

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Nov 2, 2015
Santa Cruz, CA
My insurance is up for renewal and I've been meaning to raise my deductible in order to lower the premium. Generally with leases they require a deductible of no more than $1k or $2k. It's probably in the paperwork, but I'm travelling this weekend and left it at home.

Anyone know? I leased at VW Hayward but would think the number is set nationally by VW Finance.
johnnylingo said:
My insurance is up for renewal and I've been meaning to raise my deductible in order to lower the premium. Generally with leases they require a deductible of no more than $1k or $2k. It's probably in the paperwork, but I'm travelling this weekend and left it at home.

Anyone know? I leased at VW Hayward but would think the number is set nationally by VW Finance.
I believe it's $1k
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