Fleeting red ATTENTION popup - 2019 e-Golf SE

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Jul 23, 2019
Wife has experienced a very fleeting red ATTENTION popup in the dashboard speedo area.
Disappeared so fast she had no chance to catch any other text or symbol.
Hard to catch this when paying attention to city traffic!

Happened some months ago as well.

We find NOTHING in the owner’s manual about any such warning.

Any idea what it could be?
I believe you are referring to a warning on the dash about an object detected by the front sensor as too close and the car is about to trigger the auto brake function. This is one of the blessings of the safety package on the SE.
This happened to me just about a week ago on my 2019 SEL. A big red alert popped up on the dashboard then suddenly disappeared. I am guessing it was just a sensor glitch for the auto braking system, as mentioned in the previous post.