e-golf owner in seattle

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Sep 26, 2019
I am looking for a reliable and honest service tech to help me with my 2016 e-golf. The service light is on and I really don't want to drop several $100 to get it turned off. I am having a hard time determining what they might do for $300. That is what the local VW dealer want for a scheduled service call. I live in the Seattle area
I don't have my manual handy, but you should check yours to see what is required. How many miles on your car? I'm guessing you only need a tire rotation and some checks. If it's a dealer, of course it will charge more than independent shops. Maybe look for a local EV shop?
To reset the service message I found this on you tube.
It says to turn off ignition then hold 0.0 button (trip odo) until screen prompts then release and push again to reset.

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MichaelG said:
I am looking for a reliable and honest service tech to help me with my 2016 e-golf. The service light is on and I really don't want to drop several $100 to get it turned off. I am having a hard time determining what they might do for $300. That is what the local VW dealer want for a scheduled service call. I live in the Seattle area

Is it the Get service message or a needs service there is a problem message?

If it is the message as mentioned by kpache. The only thing you need to also do is: uncheck any person profiles in the infotainment system prior to clearing the code. There is a software bug that blocks the code clearing IF there is a personal profile active.