This week I purposely ran down our e-Golf's battery to test fast charging. Yesterday was a bust on the Sunnyvale BTC fast charger because it could not communicate with the e-Golf. I was hoping to use that one because it is supposed to have a higher maximum DC current and its screen shows Volts and Amps continuously during charging. So, this morning, I took the car to the Nob Hill Foods Mountain View station that has two ABB Terra 53CJ (dual CHAdeMO and SAE Combo) chargers. I showed up with the dashboard battery gauge almost exactly at the top of the red zone. These NRG eVgo chargers only run for 30 minutes, so that's all the data that I have. Here are some summary charts for those that are interested. This is just from my notes, but I also have a video of the ABB's screen that I might be able to get more accurate data from. I haven't looked at the video, but just from the viewfinder, it may not be very legible. I would really like to extract minute by minute kWh delivered figures from the video.
This 30 minute session took the ABB reported SOC% from 13% to 92%. I don't have any personal experience with a Leaf, but my impression from reading stuff online is that this data shows that the e-Golf holds the maximum charging rate much longer than the Leaf.

This 30 minute session took the ABB reported SOC% from 13% to 92%. I don't have any personal experience with a Leaf, but my impression from reading stuff online is that this data shows that the e-Golf holds the maximum charging rate much longer than the Leaf.