Charging using stock EVSE ('charging cord') in hot weather - can it get too hot?

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Sep 6, 2019
I have been using the stock EVSE (made by TE; not Delphi) to 'trickle' charge my 2019 eGolf. It has been working just fine.

My standard 120V outlet is in full sun for about 1/2 day (from early morning to about noon) so the cable is exposed to some extreme temperatures, particularly now when it's hot. On numerous occasions, I have noticed that the charging (initiated in the evening) gets interrupted sometimes during the early morning hours. The two red LEDs on the unit ("malfunction warning light" and "charging error warning light") are flashing (per manual: "Charging cable is connected to a 110 Volt outlet, but an error was detected by the control module") and the car is obviously no longer charging.

What's interesting is that unplugging and plugging the cable back again does not start the charging process. Moreover, the EVSE fails to even light up at all - not a single LED is on (when ready, a green "power ON indicator light" stays on). I have to take the cable inside the house to 'cool' it off (yes, it is often hot to touch).

Similar thing happened just today except the EVSE was removed from the (hot) trunk to charge. After no lights on the display, I took it inside to 'cool' off for 30 minutes. Plugged back on and all is well (proper green LEDs on the display; the car is charging)

Again, it (sort of) makes sense but I wanted to see if folks have encountered a similar scenario. This is our first summer with the eGolf and charging in hot weather.
I have not encountered this issue. I think your conclusion makes sense. How hot it is where you live? The TE EVSE has a maximum temp of 45C, and if it sitting in the sun, I can certain imagine it could get that hot easily as the case is black. Can you fashion a shade for the EVSE?
f1geek said:
I have not encountered this issue. I think your conclusion makes sense. How hot it is where you live? The TE EVSE has a maximum temp of 45C, and if it sitting in the sun, I can certain imagine it could get that hot easily as the case is black. Can you fashion a shade for the EVSE?

Thanks for the tip re: max temp. I guess that would explain (hot and humid in MD).
Update: something is certainly not right with the cord... After initially thinking it's the hot weather, I've been keeping it inside the house (rather than the trunk). So the ambient temp should no longer be an issue yet the cable is still not registering anything when plugged in. Trying to 'super cool it' by keeping it in the freezer for 10 - 15 min (this did the trick last time) but even with that, I think I am 'done' with home remedies and will try to schedule an appointment to have it looked at. If confirmed, it would be a second cord that gets to be replaced under warranty (the first one was defective right from the start).
Hmmm. Is this the TE or the Clipper Creek EVSE? I have the TE EVSE and got the "overheat" warning lights for the first time a few days ago. I left the cord in full sun and didn't think about it, so when I returned a few hours later, I was surprised to see both red lights on and the green light flashing. Looking at the manual, this indicates an overheat event. I used the cable again the same day once the sun moved and the control box was in the shade, with no issues.

It sounds like your cable has an issue not related to high temps. How old is the EVSE and how many hours of use has it seen?
f1geek said:
Hmmm. Is this the TE or the Clipper Creek EVSE? I have the TE EVSE and got the "overheat" warning lights for the first time a few days ago. I left the cord in full sun and didn't think about it, so when I returned a few hours later, I was surprised to see both red lights on and the green light flashing. Looking at the manual, this indicates an overheat event. I used the cable again the same day once the sun moved and the control box was in the shade, with no issues.

It sounds like your cable has an issue not related to high temps. How old is the EVSE and how many hours of use has it seen?

The TE one. It was replaced in October 2019 under warranty as the original one (also TE) came in faulty. Hard to say how many hours... I would say into low 100s now. Will keep an eye on it and talk to the service tech when I bring it for the 12 month / 10 k service (prepaid already, part of the Maintenance Package bundled into the MSRP of the car, so I am not paying anything for it)
Well it's not just me. We bought a E-Golf 2020 last year and immediately ran into this problem which the dealership says is impossible. "They never overheat", they say. I plug my car into a trickle charge (110V) on the east side of my garage when I get home from work so the sun is on the west side and it works fine - until the sun comes up. Then the 2 red exclamation mark lights start to flash and the car stops charging. The dealership gave me another cord to try out with the same results. After that it was shrugged shoulders and no answers. "Must be your outlet", they said. I had it tested by an electrician; it wasn't the outlet (it's a GFI and the breaker has never tripped). I tried putting a board in front of the outlet and box on the cord with no help. I've also tried putting the box with the flashing lights inside a Styrofoam box but that hasn't helped either. The only thing that helped was a change of seasons. All winter, no problem but now spring has sprung and the problem has resurfaced. Any ideas?
PS We're in Canada and the temp has never been over 30C (90F)
That stinks. I would not expect an issue in Canada. I do not believe putting the control box in an insulated container will help as this will keep the heat inside the container and raise the temperature of the control box, leading to a fault. It clearly sounds like an overheating problem, so try to keep the control box in the shade, but leave plenty of air space (a meter of space, if possible).

Because it is an OEM device, I suspect TE won't be much help and will direct you back to VW, but you could reach out to TE and see what they say.

In any case, I think you need to find another dealer and maybe you'll be able to get another EVSE. It could be the first dealer you tried gave you a used EVSE that has the same issue as the original item.