charge port

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Jan 14, 2018
My charge port won't open. Locking, unlocking, turning the vehicle on/off - nothing works.
I am inferring that when he says his charge port won't open, he is referring to the door that opens and allows access to the charge port. Otherwise, he would say that his charge port won't unlock to allow him to remove the EVSE charging handle, and that the lights are blinking too, and which color lights.

So OP, which is it? The fill up door won't open or the EVSE charge handle is stuck and locked in place?

Generally, with the car in "Stop" mode, nothing in the dash lit up or turned on, you open up the drivers side door which allows the door to the charge port or "fill up port" to open.

Locking the car while recharging and pushing the "unlock" button on the keyfob 2x in 1 second will unlatch the EVSE charge handle and you should then attempt quickly to remove the EVSE charge handle. Attempt to remove the handle when all the lights in the charge port shut off, not before then, the latching device will prevent you from removing it with any charging lights on.

If you are new owner to your e-Golf, read your owners manual several times. Or have your VW dealership show you the proper way to remove the EVSE handle after charging.
Correct - the door will not open, so I'm unable to access the electric port(s) to charge the vehicle.
with all the electronics turned off, unlock and open up the drivers side door. leave the drivers side door ajar. Go to the fill up port, and lightly press inwards to see if a detent is released, and then the charge port door opens. If it does not, the latching device is jammed, broken, or someone tried to pry in while it was locked and damaged it.

If it does not open, on a weekday, drive or call VW and have your e-Golf towed down to the nearest VW dealership to remedy the problem.
In the future please include the year, model and the trim version of e-golf you are referring to.