Battery Capacity

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Feb 12, 2024
Hi all. Looking at a 2019 e-golf for sale with 60,000 miles on it. I've been told by the dealership that there is 70% battery capacity left. Bearing in mind the 8 year warranty guarantees it to stay at 70% for the first 8 years or first 100,000 miles would it make sense to purchase this and if it goes below the 70% the warranty will kick in? Would appreciate it if anyone who might have had a car close to this battery capacity and how much of a chore it is to have it fixed or replaced. Many thanks
Hi all. Looking at a 2019 e-golf for sale with 60,000 miles on it. I've been told by the dealership that there is 70% battery capacity left. Bearing in mind the 8 year warranty guarantees it to stay at 70% for the first 8 years or first 100,000 miles would it make sense to purchase this and if it goes below the 70% the warranty will kick in? Would appreciate it if anyone who might have had a car close to this battery capacity and how much of a chore it is to have it fixed or replaced. Many thanks
Is car in a hot place?

Yes, warranty applies, but do not know if a new pack with 100% capacity will be given as VW only promises 70% or better for warranty. My car has 66,000 miles and 6 years and has 90% capacity.
Is car in a hot place?

Yes, warranty applies, but do not know if a new pack with 100% capacity will be given as VW only promises 70% or better for warranty. My car has 66,000 miles and 6 years and has 90% capacity.
Hey thanks for coming back to me. Its in the UK, so not hot at all. I certainly was worried when he said approx 70%. I have another PHEV that is 2016 and its battery capacity is still close to 90%. Would you buy it?
You could ask dealer for usable capacity in kWh, so you can verify its calculation. Assuming number is really 70%, I would not buy it as there are probably plenty of other ones on the market. Is it being offered at a significant discount?
Is car in a hot place?

Yes, warranty applies, but do not know if a new pack with 100% capacity will be given as VW only promises 70% or better for warranty. My car has 66,000 miles and 6 years and has 90% capacity.
How are you measuring how much battery capacity is left on your car?
My 2019 with 45K miles on it still shows 125+ miles of range when fully charged if the ambient temperature during charging is between 70F and 95F.
Also it is getting about 4.2 miles/ kWh of efficiency.
How are you measuring how much battery capacity is left on your car?
My 2019 with 45K miles on it still shows 125+ miles of range when fully charged if the ambient temperature during charging is between 70F and 95F.
Also it is getting about 4.2 miles/ kWh of efficiency.
Functional testing. Also can use OBDEleven or Car Scanner to read what BMS estimates. Detailed in past threads.
Thanks for the help guys. In your opinion is the e-golf worth it? I can see secondhand ID3s available for around £6k more. which would be the better option?
ID.3s are not sold in the USA so I have no first hand experiences. I have read people tend to like the e-Golf interior and HMI better but if you need the range, the e-Golf can not compete.
We have a 2019 e-Golf, purchased new, so had it for 5 years. It has 69.000 km on it and the battery capacity is at least 90%, although the dealership doesn't do testing of battery capacity. We live near Victoria, BC, Canada, so a similar climate to the UK, so I don't see how a 2019 would have dropped to 70% capacity.

I'm curious which scanner works for estimating the battery capacity? We have a Ross-Tech scanner that we've used for our other VWs but it doesn't do battery estimates.
We have a 2019 e-Golf, purchased new, so had it for 5 years. It has 69.000 km on it and the battery capacity is at least 90%, although the dealership doesn't do testing of battery capacity. We live near Victoria, BC, Canada, so a similar climate to the UK, so I don't see how a 2019 would have dropped to 70% capacity.

I'm curious which scanner works for estimating the battery capacity? We have a Ross-Tech scanner that we've used for our other VWs but it doesn't do battery estimates.
OBD Eleven and Car Scanner a show the BMS estimate of usable capacity. I have 9-10% deg at 66,000 miles and live in SF Bay Area. I agree 70% seems odd, which is why I asked for kWh value.