Unknown Warning Buzzer

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May 8, 2018
Hello. I just picked up a new 2017 eGolf, and I'm loving every second of it. I'm getting a weird warning buzzer sound when I start the car (full start or just ignition) usually right away, but sometimes after I drive a few blocks. My dealer was not familiar with the sound, so I thought I would reach out here to see if anyone knows. I do not get any messages or dash lights...just the noise. Below is a link to quick video. Sorry if I'm not posting links correctly...first time user. Any help would be appreciated!

That sounds like some kind of aftermarket alarm. It doesn't sound anything at all like the warning buzzers on VW's. (Perhaps JT can "chime in" ;) here as he has owned just about every recent model VW sold in the US)

To protect their inventory, some dealerships will wire an aftermarket ignition kill switch that is deactivated using an RFID fob, could this be something like that? If so the dealership may have restored the wiring but failed to remove the module.
Thanks for the reply. I was starting to think that as well. It was a "go get" car for the dealership. I asked the to specifically find a car without one of those goofy aftermarket theft deterrent systems. I've had to deal with that in the past.
That sounds like a chime warning of some sort. BEFORE trying any of the following, put your seat belt on first.

Door ajar, or seat belt not on, trunk or hood not latched. Perhaps a defective switch somewhere.

Is there anything sitting on the passenger seat when this goes off and starts chiming? The seat belt sensors on the passenger seat are quite sensitive to anything placed on the seat. If you put stuff on the passenger seat, latch the passenger seat seatbelt first before doing so, to defeat the seat belt alarm.

If none of the above resolves the problem, show the video to a VW Service technician, then demonstrate it for them, and ask them to scan it and fix it. Something is not right.

PS, take it to a dealership midweek, and ask for an e-Golf specialist to diagnose.
The dealer confirmed that the noise was in fact an aftermarket theft deterrent device which was installed in an unusual location under the dash. They missed it during pre-delivery inspection. Thanks for all of the help!
JoulesThief said:
That sounds like a chime warning of some sort. BEFORE trying any of the following, put your seat belt on first.

Door ajar, or seat belt not on, trunk or hood not latched. Perhaps a defective switch somewhere.

Is there anything sitting on the passenger seat when this goes off and starts chiming? The seat belt sensors on the passenger seat are quite sensitive to anything placed on the seat. If you put stuff on the passenger seat, latch the passenger seat seatbelt first before doing so, to defeat the seat belt alarm.

Although the OP already confirmed what I (and he) had suspected, I can tell you that this alarm sounds nothing like the alarms you are mentioning. Those are just a simple single-note tone accompanied by a warning light.

(I found this out the other day with the seat belt, as my father failed to put his on as we left the supermarket, and it went off about a block away.)