TSB 931501 Info

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May 5, 2015
So my case with Car-Net got an update last week and I got an appointment to go into the dealer this week to get an "update". The dealer informed me this TSB had just come out over the weekend. My invoice for the work lists application of TSB 931501. I just wanted to share the experience in case anyone gets this TSB or potentially any TSB. I recommend plugging the car into a charger afterwards and make sure it charges. The first run of the recode the TSB specifies threw an error, the next run no problem. Car wouldn't charge so they checked it out and ran the recode again. It started charging and behaving like normal. I'm not sure if it's something specific to the recode in this TSB or if it's something that could happen with any recode. Just make sure it charges before you leave. Maybe just ask them to put it on the charger. If the dealership services the EV's then they'll have a charger inside their shop they can verify this with.

On another note, anyone know anything about this TSB? I see another one posted very recently but it has a different number. I haven't had a chance to get on AllData to check it yet, not sure if they'd even have it either. Whatever it was, it didn't at all fix my problem. I haven't been able to submit anything in Car-Net since day one. Every form submitted is met with request unsuccessful. Behind the scenes the request is getting an HTTP/500 (internal server) error. So I haven't even been able to attempt delayed charging or climate controls, not that it sounds like I'm missing much. Anyway, just sharing my experience and seeing if anyone has experienced the same problems or has any information about TSB 931501.
Hit the "i" button yesterday and asked about the app on my iPhone 5 not displaying charging status, charge remaining or much of anything really.
It took about 5min's for the "Welcome" introduction (demand for money) and then on to another individual.
"You need a technical specialist"

Got a return call today from the "technical specialist" telling me that the dealer has a software update TSB 931501 that fixes the lack of reporting and the delayed charging issues.
Told its been out for two weeks and "no" a change log is not available.

A buddy had his done today, assuming all is well, I'll have mine update during the week and will report back.

I hope the VW app works as well as the one for my Fiat 500e !!!!! which has worked from day one

I have some info to update with. TSB 931501 is actually TSB 2040470 v931501 I guess. Got this from the regional manager that's been helping me. It's basically the same thing as 2040470 that's been posted already. And yea it's supposed to fix the lack of reporting and delayed charging issues. Of course I haven't been having these issues since I couldn't submit anything in Car-Net web or mobile. They were sort of at a loss for this and had called back yesterday to tell me they'd have an update for me on Wednesday next week. I followed the advice in the "Disconnecting the 12v" thread and was able to fix the request unsuccessful issue in the web and mobile app. I told the regional manager about what I did and he sounded like he hadn't heard of trying this before. If not hopefully now that he has they won't be as lost about the request unsuccessful issue. Everyone I had talked to so far hadn't quite been understanding the problem I've been having, they seemed to have just been assuming it was the typical delayed charging problem. Hence why they were so focused on getting the TSB done. They sounded almost shocked when I said nothing worked still.

Anyway, things seem to be working, I'll be testing out some charging and climate control stuff out tomorrow when I drop it at the dealer to charge.
BarryMW said:
I'll have mine update during the week and will report back.

The TSB did not fix the car. Still no control using the iPhone App.
2 days later, still not working, I'm reading another post in this forum and I decided to reboot the car.
I checked the Owners manual and it tells how, but recommends not.

I recommend me not sitting in the dealer for another 2.5 hours, so I rebooted it.

Done, Fixed, Working, iPhone app can now read and control the charging status. No longer does it show as "plug out" even while L2 charging.

Next to check the delayed charging. I do wish I could just tell it when to charge and not when I plan to leave, like my Fiat 500e at half the price.


BarryMW said:
BarryMW said:
I'll have mine update during the week and will report back.

The TSB did not fix the car. Still no control using the iPhone App.
2 days later, still not working, I'm reading another post in this forum and I decided to reboot the car.
I checked the Owners manual and it tells how, but recommends not.

I recommend me not sitting in the dealer for another 2.5 hours, so I rebooted it.

Done, Fixed, Working, iPhone app can now read and control the charging status. No longer does it show as "plug out" even while L2 charging.

Next to check the delayed charging. I do wish I could just tell it when to charge and not when I plan to leave, like my Fiat 500e at half the price.



Barry - you confirm if the delay/schedule charging has been fixed with the TSB applied?
TSB + reboot = functional delayed charging

Although it does tend to miss it by ~5min and not quite hit 100% full. Not a big issue.

Be sure the green light is flashing when you walk away from car

took delivery of my car on may 22nd. do you guys think it would have this TSB update? I'm not able to to do much on carnet. just get a lot of "store settings: error occurred" messages.
sweetwagon said:
took delivery of my car on may 22nd. do you guys think it would have this TSB update? I'm not able to to do much on carnet. just get a lot of "store settings: error occurred" messages.

Hit the "I" button and speak to the Car Net folks. They can do a reset from their side. That helped fixed some of my issues. As for the TSB, I took delivery on May 2. I don't think it was applied and waiting for the dealer to call me back on my inquiry for my car.
Been on the phone with Car-net folks. I'm able to access my car now through the website but no luck on my smartphone(HTC One M8).

I also go the TSB 931501 update but still no luck accessing through the phone. Car-net is supposed to call me back.

I'll try testing the off peak charging tonight although i'm not quite yet sure how to do it with the profile + schedule setup. I just wish there was a simple start time method.
Thought I'd load car-net on my old Galaxy Nexus. Everything works on it. Sucks it doesn't work on my HTC One M8 though. Next up will be a scheduled/delay charge test.
Not sure of the cause but the A/C stopped blowing cold after the TSB was applied.
Dealer mentioned it may have been due to the first TSB... but unsure.

Dealer applied an A/C related software update as per a second TSB and we got cold air again.

Sorry, Dealer did not identify the TSB# of the A/C related update.

Just following up, the departure based charging + night rate timer seems to have worked. One thing I noticed is that when I change schedule or locations in app, I need to disconnect and reconnect the J1772 and make sure the green blinking light sequence happens(which stops after a few minutes but it delayed charged still works). This seems to be the "acknowledgement" that timer is active.

What was done since I bought car:
1) Carnet did "something" on their end. Reset maybe?
2) TSB 931501 update

I can set these on website and through app(Galaxy Nexus).

Remaining issue: my HTC One M8 does not work with Car-net server.