Stretch2727 said:
I used my first CCS DC charger today with the eGolf. The charge rate was 20KW. This is a big improvement over the 7.2KW charger and allowed me to do 180 miles today in 30 degree weather.
Does anyone know what the max charge rate is with the CCS charger? Was the car limiting it to 20KW?
I checked the manual and cannot find anything that specifies the max rate the car will accept.
The dealer mentioned 42kW is the max it will pull from a CCS line. The rate of charge is dependent on the state of depletion when the charger is connected and will reduce over time to what is appropriate for that state of charge, tapering as charge approaches 100%.
The 50kW EVGo combination CHAdeMO/CCS charger near me is rated at 385V and 130A. Unsure if CCS runs at full power.