Replacement keys..any way to save money?

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Nov 8, 2017
SF East Bay
Unfortunately I had signed all the paperwork when I realized my used eGolf only had one key. I tried to push the (Honda) dealer to replace it but by then I had no bargaining chips. I need to carry a checklist for these things.

I haven't asked a VW dealer for a quote yet, mostly out of fear. Has anyone successfully replaced a key using a locksmith or otherwise?
I don't think there's any way around it if your car has the keyless entry (Kessey) system. Those keys are just expensive. Period.
See if your local ACE hardware has a copier. They usually have a coupon floating around and Black Friday sales for it.
miimura said:
I don't think there's any way around it if your car has the keyless entry (Kessey) system. Those keys are just expensive. Period.

/\ This, guessing about 250 to $325 US.