A Canadian VW employee posted this great chart to the e-Golf facebook group, of average range vs. temperature based on OBD data captured from a 2017 fleet car with ~10k miles of typical driving by ~100 different drivers. Overall trend is not surprising, but it's pretty incredible to see the over 2x delta between best and worst possible range quantified, and heartening that even the average driver will easily exceed the EPA-estimated 125 miles in good weather.
Here's a link to the original post, which you have to join the group to see: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vwegolf/permalink/1347153058764863/
Metric version:
Here's a link to the original post, which you have to join the group to see: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vwegolf/permalink/1347153058764863/

Metric version: