Quick question on limiting charge

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user 1815

May 30, 2019
I just wanted to check my understanding is correct (while dealing with Tesla and their wall connector’s inability to charge my e-Golf; see other post).

My understanding is that the only way to set up the e-Golf to charge to no more than 80% immediately upon plug in is via the following procedure. I set the minimum charge level on the e-Golf to be 80% (on first page of e-manager) along with a scheduled departure of 80% or less for some future time (I use 5:30am in the morning). When I plug in at home in the evening, these settings produce an immediate request to charge to 80%, with the subsequent timed event ignored. (Of course, the timed event would be executed if the minimum charge level was less than 80% or a temperature was set for departure.)

My understanding is that if the immediate charge is used (by pushing the green button in the charge port and turning off any departure events in e-manager), the battery will always be charged to 100%.

Is this correct? Are there other ways to limit the charge for an immediate charge session?
Sounds correct.

Pressing immediate charge button works to start charging immediately even if you have schedules programmed.
f1geek said:
Sounds correct.

Pressing immediate charge button works to start charging immediately even if you have schedules programmed.

And pressing the immediate charge button always charges to 100%, with or without any programmed schedules, correct?