I found some overly cautious programming in the car's electronics this evening.
I pulled into the drive, put the selector into P and got out to go to the mailbox. When I got back in, I closed the door but it didn't close fully. As I'm only going the length of my drive, I didn't bother to re-close it, I just put the selector into D and went to move away. The central display told me to put the selector into P but I tried to ignore it. The car refused to move and when I touched the accelerator pedal it even applied the parking brake! It really was not going to move an inch with the door partially closed.
I know that the door catches on cars are two stage and the safety regulations say that the partially latched position is still latched enough to constrain the occupants. I don't know why VW decides that the first latch position is now too dangerous to let the car move at all.
Even once I'd re-closed the door I had to manually move the selector back to P, release the parking brake and only then could I move it to D and roll along my drive!
A lot of hassle to get my mail. My GTI would let me go along my driveway without properly closing the door. I hope I never need to move the car in any situation where I can't close the door for some reason.
I pulled into the drive, put the selector into P and got out to go to the mailbox. When I got back in, I closed the door but it didn't close fully. As I'm only going the length of my drive, I didn't bother to re-close it, I just put the selector into D and went to move away. The central display told me to put the selector into P but I tried to ignore it. The car refused to move and when I touched the accelerator pedal it even applied the parking brake! It really was not going to move an inch with the door partially closed.
I know that the door catches on cars are two stage and the safety regulations say that the partially latched position is still latched enough to constrain the occupants. I don't know why VW decides that the first latch position is now too dangerous to let the car move at all.
Even once I'd re-closed the door I had to manually move the selector back to P, release the parking brake and only then could I move it to D and roll along my drive!
A lot of hassle to get my mail. My GTI would let me go along my driveway without properly closing the door. I hope I never need to move the car in any situation where I can't close the door for some reason.