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May 1, 2014
If you can read german or will settle for Google translate :

I can't - do they like the e-Golf over there? Chances are they do - since it's their own home-grown electric vehicle :D

Can you read german? Are you in the US or Germany or other?
I am not too good at german my self, but I know enough to distinguish between acceptable and bad translations made by google and that way get some sense out of strange translations. So despite its flaws google helps me get a good look into what is going on in those german discussions.

It seems that several of the forum members have preordered the e-golf and that the first few of those cars is just about to arrive - in this week actually. Apart from that the deliveries will probaly be in october and onwards.

Then I have noticed some discussions about the cars charging capabilites and where in germany CCS charging is available.

But go and have a look.

Best regards
I myself live in Denmark, and yes, they are generally quite positive towards the e-Golf.
That is also evident from what I read about their test drive experiences and comments.

Thank you, their forum has a lot more technical posts, looks like lots of engineers driving egolfs in germany?


If you need a quick translation of something let me know and I can help out.