OBDII reader

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Sep 26, 2019
I have searched this forum rather extensively and I have not found how I use an OBDII reader. I have one and I have plugged it into my gas engine vehicle. It sent a whole host of information to my cell phone without me doing anything at all. Would this same thing occur if I plugged it into a 2016 e-golf. Would it automatically display the SQH_Q: and SQH_P: values and what would I do with them once I have them. And what is the Energy Storage unit SOC? I truly apologize if my questions seem ridiculous, but I really want to move to EV world and I really like the e-golf. I can't afford a new one and I am able to find 2016 models with really low miles (14k or less) that are in my price range. It would be nice to know that the prior owner has not abused the battery before I take ownership. Thanks in advance for your help.

Not sure how the generic OBDII readers work with e-Golfs and EVs in general but to diagnose and customize a VW brand car, I do recommend looking into the OBDEleven reader:

Szyszka said:
Not sure how the generic OBDII readers work with e-Golfs and EVs in general but to diagnose and customize a VW brand car, I do recommend looking into the OBDEleven reader:


I had the same question as the OP. I'm in the market for a used 2016 e-Golf and would like to find out what kind of shape the battery is in. Will the ODB11 tool show that info, since the onboard dash does not? I have a generic ODB11 plug as well which shows readings on. my phone.
The e-Golf is not OBII2 compliant, so generic OBDII software (and maybe hardware, too - I'm not savvy enough about the technical details) won't give you the information you seek. OBDEleven software and hardware can access usable energy content and SOH - maybe Carista can do this but you'll need to check with them. Be aware that right now the white OBDeleven dongle only works on Android devices - the iOS dongle is delayed, though you can run the (nice but useless) iOS software with no data connection to the car.

As far as SOH, it may be a useful capacity indicator, but I wonder if SOH was 100% when the car was newly produced at the factory. I only have one SOH datapoint: I took the data point when I had the car for a year old and put 9000 miles on the odo. It said 85% SOH, but based on the OBDEleven usable energy (30.2 kWh), assuming 32 kWh usable when brand spanking new, I calculated 94% SOH. Again, I have limited data.
Had to google SOH ("State of Health") and SOC ("State of Charge") but still not quite sure what SQH_Q and SQH_P stand for... Yep, I had my e-Golf for less than 2 months.... Sorry...
It is my understanding that the battery out of the factory will only show about 94%. I have been the OBDEleven website so I am aware that it is only android compliant, not a problem for me as that is the phone OS I use. Did you have to do anything special to get the SQH value to be displayed, because it seems that is the key bit of info I am looking for. I went to the Carista website. No mention of support for the e-golf.
MichaelG said:
It is my understanding that the battery out of the factory will only show about 94%. I have been the OBDEleven website so I am aware that it is only android compliant, not a problem for me as that is the phone OS I use. Did you have to do anything special to get the SQH value to be displayed, because it seems that is the key bit of info I am looking for. I went to the Carista website. No mention of support for the e-golf.

Here's the relevant thread www.myvwegolf.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=564

Per user reports with OBDeleven:
spec: 100% = 35.8kWh
Charged to max: 88% = 31.6kWh