No way to pay the disposition fee

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Jan 1, 2016
I just ended my 3-year lease of e-Golf in December 2018. On early Jan I received a secure message that asking me to pay the $350 disposition fee.
The weird thing is that... there's no straightforward way to pay.
The website appears that my account is inactive. Hence there's no longer entry points like "pay online".
I tried to call customer support. Tried different numbers provided on the website and the invoice. Waited for half hour. Nobody answered.
I tried to pay via phone. The bot tells me that there's 0 balance of amount I need to pay.
Also, I can no longer send secure email because my account is inactive. There's no explicit email address for customer support at all.
I guess the last resort is to send a check via physical mail address. However the due date is tomorrow so that might not work as well.
The whole thing drove me crazy. I think I'll try to call them tomorrow again.
Any one had similar experience? What was your way to get through the payment of disposition fee? Thanks in advance..
Sorry, i can't help since purchased another egolf so they waived the disposition fee! However, I think you could just send in the payment via mail; just make sure you include your account number if you don't have the Settlement Invoice. You could either send it via snail mail to
Volkswagen Credit
Attn: Payoff Department
PO Box 7498
Libertyville, IL 60048-7498

or Overnight to
Volkswagen Credit
Attn: Payoff Department
1401 Franklin Blvd
Libertyville, IL 60048

Good luck
My understanding was the deposition fee isn't due until you've turned the car in. Perhaps it's possible to pay it right there at the dealer, but I'd expect you'd have to wait for a final invoice.
I believe the OP already turned the car in and received the Turn-In Settlement Invoice (via secure message). I turned mine in January 11th, 2019 and received the Settlement invoice January, 23rd. I was still able to access the lease account since i have the new finance account.
Sorry, the addresses i posted earlier were for Payoff.
According to my Settlement statement, the address is
PO BOX 5205
CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5205