NAV Destinations via Car-Net?

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Aug 8, 2015
I've sent a bunch of destinations to my car via Car-Net. (It's so much easier than typing into the Nav itself.) But, I cannot see any way to choose them from the ridiculous Destination menus on the Nav.

Does anybody know how to access these destinations?

BTW, I had an RNS-510 in my prvious VW, which had it's own issues, most notably start-up times. But, it was superior in almost every other way to the unit in the eGolf, especially usability, ranging from music to traffic to nav operation. It's as if their engineers had never used such a device before, and had no idea how one was supposed to function.
Thanks Jack. I found that thread after I posted mine.
So, I'm now able to download the destinations to the Nav.

However, the majority of them contain incorrect address information.
IOW, instead of the actual address, it just says "Center, <City>", and the city is often wrong, as well!
About the only thing it gets correct are the destination names.

Very frustrating. Has that happened to anybody else?
I think it's happened at least once, but since it was probably one of those times where I was still troubleshooting the problem, maybe sending the same destination multiple times caused a snafu.