my e-golf is suddenly tripping my circuit breaker?

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Aug 4, 2016
Recently every time I charge my E-golf with my ChargePoint, the circuit breaker trips. It's been fine for the last year and all of a sudden this problem emerged. Any ideas what could have happened? It's a bit frustrating because now I need to reset my circuit breaker every 20-30 minutes. Thanks!
What is the rating on the breaker?
When the breaker trips, what else in the house is powered off?

I'd get an electrician to come in. Yeah it costs money, but it's better than losing your home (and car) to fire. Do NOT keep resetting the breaker, it's warning you that something is wrong. If you have an available 120 volt outlet, use that for now until your setup is inspected.
BarryMW said:
What is the rating on the breaker?
When the breaker trips, what else in the house is powered off?


Let's let the OP comment, but I'd be surprised if anything else is on the same breaker as his charger. I know my charger is on its own 50A breaker. If it got tripped, only power to the charger gets cut off.

Agree that having an electrician check it out is likely the best path forward.
Could also be the breaker is faulty, especially if it's an older one or a cheap crappy one. That would be rare because usually a fresh breaker is installed along with the charger and should be good for a couple years minimum.

But yeah, either way, don't use it until a professional can take a look. In the meantime, you could troubleshoot by looking at charging history in the app to see if there's any large variations in wattage
Thanks everyone and sorry for the delayed response -- I was out over the holidays. So yes, the breaker is on it's own line so nothing else plugs into that circuit. I looked into it and it seems that there are two, I assume "40 Amp" switches which I would think is enough. I'll get an electrician to look into it given no one else had this problem before. Hopefully it's just a faulty breaker!
gat89 said:
Thanks everyone and sorry for the delayed response -- I was out over the holidays. So yes, the breaker is on it's own line so nothing else plugs into that circuit. I looked into it and it seems that there are two, I assume "40 Amp" switches which I would think is enough. I'll get an electrician to look into it given no one else had this problem before. Hopefully it's just a faulty breaker!

Yes, the 40A breaker should be large enough. The e-Golf only draws 30A. It looks like there are two because it's a 240V breaker, so the two legs (each 120V) each have their own switch, but they are physically tied together.
gat89 said:
I assume "40 Amp" switches

Why do you “assume”?

Do they have “40” on them?

Or are you assuming because others around them do have “40” on them..

thanks everyone... yah the breakers have the number "40" on them so I assumed that meant 40amps =) thanks for confirming!