Metered parking with HOV stickers

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Dec 30, 2016
Los Angeles, CA
Anyone have any proof of where you are legally allowed to park for free with HOV stickers? I've heard Santa Monica & Pasadena but have never tried either local. I just got a parking ticket in Culver City today (newly metered) with my HOV stickers very visible. Should I contest the ticket? I've been to Culver City's website have been unable to get an answer. :?
For Free Parking benefits:

In SoCal I only see Santa Monica and Hermosa Beach.
In NorCal I see San Anselmo and San Jose.

and check the boxes for Parking, State, Local
Yeah, it's a city-by-city thing on parking meters, at least in California. There's no state law that says cities MUST give free parking to HOV stickered cars. That only applies to vehicles with handicap placards.
Interesting concept. Somehow a HOV sticker makes you privileged for free parking? I'd just pay for the parking, it's not like an e-Golf is a cheap car to buy, and with the cost per mile traveled so low on electricity from at home, it's not like you can't afford to pay for parking. Another unsustainable model for electric car ownership.
Details on the "free" parking in San Jose. It's "free" only for vehicles registered or purchased in San Jose, and after you pay $30 for a permit. The program may also end after 6/30/18.