MA e-Golf Owners Invited to Worcester Ride and Drive Event!

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Aug 6, 2015
In recognition of National Drive Electric Week, the Institute for Energy and Sustainability is holding an Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive Event on Thursday, September 17, 2015. The event is being held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in partnership with WPI and National Grid, and will feature dealership- and non-dealership-owned electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and clean energy companies. Electric vehicle owners will have the choice of giving ride-and-drives to those at the event, as well.

If you are an e-Golf owner who lives in the proximity of Worcester and would like to showcase your car at the event, you can either send me an email at kwittmer [at] or register at our event page on National Drive Electric Week's website here: It seems like e-Golfs are somewhat difficult to find around here, so we appreciate any help you can provide!

We look forward to hearing from you!

NeilBlanchard said:
I will see if my schedule is open. Will there be EVSE's available?
WPI has two charging stations available on their campus. One is on the ground level of the parking garage on Park Avenue, the other is next to Goddard Hall. Both are very close to the event site, so you shouldn't have a problem getting access to charging.
