Limiting Charge to 80%

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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May 15, 2018
Is there a way between my internet connected juicenet 220v charger and e-golf config to stop charging at 80% ? What kind of hack would it take ?
I am technical but couldn't find anything except time to leave in e-manager.
In the e-Manager, you can add locations that you choose as part of your charge schedule. You set the SOC limit in the location settings, as well as other items like amperage. You can only use SOC limits when using delayed timing. That being said, if you set your "delayed" charge to finish 1 hour in the future and it will take your car 3 hours to charge, the car will begin charging immediately and will stop when it hits your desired SOC as programmed in your chosen location.
'15s have a minimum charge setting. The car will charge to that point as soon as you plug it in, then stop until the scheduled charge time arrives.

Did that go away in newer cars?
mfennell said:
'15s have a minimum charge setting. The car will charge to that point as soon as you plug it in, then stop until the scheduled charge time arrives. Did that go away in newer cars?

2016+ models retain that, but added max charge percentage for the timers without requiring Car Net.