JuiceBox 40 Pro does everything CP Home does for $200 less.

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Aug 15, 2015
Got my JuiceBox 40 Pro hooked up and have confirmed that the timer on the app is working just fine. Plug the car in and the timer is able to wake and charge the car when I've asked it to. Don't need to use car-net or time of departure settings anymore. The app monitors and logs all of your charging as well. The JB 40 is also a 10kw charger so if you ever do get a vehicle with a faster charger you won't have to buy a new charger.

Since it has to sit on the outside I'm up for saving $200 over the prettier looking CP Home that probably wont look as pretty after a few years of sun and rain.
I was considering JuiceBox 40.

Three things tipped me in favor of ChargePoint Home Charger.
Land-lords electrician warned me that JuiceBox is not UL certified, and will cause insurance issues. Didnt want to deal with the headache.
I went for 499USD device, which is actually cheaper than JuiceBox Pro. The 499 device also had app connectivity.. so I could see all my charging details in a single app.

To be honest, I am impressed with ChargePoint product.

I was under mistaken impression that JB will not be able to awake the car. Thanks for clarifying this.