Instrument Cluster Failure

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Sep 19, 2023
I have a 2019 eGolf SEL with under 30,000 miles. It 6 months past its full warranty and my instrument cluster just failed. It started with a flickering and ended with just a bunch of lines. I tried the usual culprits (battery is okay, disconnected the battery for 20 minutes, checked fuses, checked connectors that I could access). I took it into the dealership and they said it is fried. It’ll cost about $1600 for a new cluster and $800 labor. But, they can’t even find a replacement cluster. I called VW to ask for some relief and… nothing. Not even assistance with finding a replacement.

Any thoughts? Maybe some donations?
In case anyone is wondering…. My dash came back to life all on its own, it did have one other short-lived incident for about a day, but other than that has been working fine working over a month now. Fingers firmly crossed…