Headlight Upgrade

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Jan 5, 2017
Rockville, MD
Hey guys, I am going to upgrade my lights and I'm questioning of what is the best decision. My friend recommended me to use HID lights which is a great choice. Has anyone here have different recommendations which you believe is better?
Spam alert. Buy an e-Golf with LEDs next time. much better than HID's on power consumption. Factory reflectors are not designed for HID output, due to location of filament on a conventional bulb versus a HID bulb causing lights to be poorly focused and aimed, in particular to on coming traffic. it can be blinding.
VWridez13 said:
Hey guys, I am going to upgrade my lights and I'm questioning of what is the best decision. My friend recommended me to use HID lights which is a great choice. He also gave me this site https://www.xenonpro.com/ for me to purchase. Has anyone here have different recommendations which you believe is better?

I'm assuming you have reflector housings, and not an SEL with the LED headlights. Do not add an HID kit or LED bulbs to the reflector housings. I replaced both housings with aftermarket housings that have HID projectors to properly distribute light with a nice and clean cutoff. Here's the ones I used:


Note that this will fit only the 2015 and 2016 models, but not the 2017 models. I do not recommend the Winpower or Helix versions because the highbeam is terrible.