Electric Vehicle Glossary of Acronyms or Abbreviations

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Mar 14, 2015
Electric Vehicle Glossary of Acronyms or Abbreviations

If you are just starting out on getting to know the Electric market and find yourself overwhelmed with the Abbreviations given, here is a handy list I have found for the meaning behind them.
To this site you can even submit suggestions for any that are missing.

Here is the list. I have added a few that I felt did not warrant a submit to the original site but felt they were worth mentioning here.

Acronym >> Definition

AC >> Alternating Current: The standard type of electricity in homes and the most effective way of powering an EV. In AC circuit the voltage swings between positive and negative meaning current flows in both directions (hence 'alternating')

AFV >> Alternate Fuel Vehicle: A vehicle powered by fuel other than gasoline or diesel. Examples of alternative fuels are electricity, hydrogen, and natural gas (CNG).

BEV >> Battery Electric Vehicle: See EV below, An electric vehicle whose electricity is exclusively stored in batteries rather than a fuel cell or generator.

BMS >> Battery Management System: mini onboard computer to monitor entire battery system and each individual battery. Also may be built into charging system.

CARB >> California Air Resources Board: a government department setting standards for attaining and maintaining healthy air quality; protecting the public from exposure to toxic air contaminants; and providing innovative approaches for complying with air pollution rules and regulations. Established in 1967 when Ronald Reagan as state governor signed the Mulford-Carrell Act, combining the Bureau of Air Sanitation and the Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Board, CARB is a department within the cabinet-level California Environmental Protection Agency.

CCID >> Charge Circuit Interrupting Device: a safety device that will disable utility power to an EV charger in the event of a loss of isolation is detected.

DC >> Direct Current: A form of electricity where current only flows in one direction. This is the form of electricity produced by batteries and the most common system used in EV conversions.

DOD >> Depth of Discharge: A measure of how much energy has been withdrawn from a battery. It is expressed as a percentage of the total battery capacity. For example - if you use 25ah of a 100ah battery, that is running the battery to 25% DOD.

E-Situ >> Energy Stored At The Site: Renewable energy generated and stored at the site acting as a distributed energy resource and functioning as a vehicle charging station interconnected to the grid

Ebike >> Electric powered Bike, Cycle, Scooter

ELV >> Electric Light Vehicle: Electric Vehicles, powered by battery and motor combination, weighing less than 500 pounds; e.g. ebike, e-scooter, e-moped, e-motorcycle, e-ATV, golf cart,e-velomobile (3wheels)

EREV >> Extended Range Electric Vehicle: an electric vehicle with a rechargeable battery as well as an on-board gas powered generator to recharge the battery for extended mileage.

Eroute >> Route that an electric vehicle will travel. Intercity public/private transportation route with recharge station/stop. Note that an E-route may additionally denote a nominally "safe" street or paved thoroughfare. It may optionally be marked with easily seen and high-visibility signage.

Etaxi >> Electric powered Taxi/Tricycle

EV >> Electric Vehicle: usually referring to registered passenger vehicles but can refer to any vehicle that is powered exclusively by an electric drive train.

EVC >> Electric Vehicle Consultant: A good EVC knows all aspects of obtaining, sizing, delivery, training and roll out of private (single) and public (mass) Motorcycle and EV transportation systems. Including infrastructure and route (Eroute) planning.

EVD >> Electric Vehicle Driver

EVITP >> Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program: a not for profit, volunteer, EV Industry collaborative, designed to deliver a structured platform to facilitate training and certification for the installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) across residential, commercial and public markets.

EVSE >> Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: the charging equipment used to obtain a charge for an EV or BEV battery system.

FCV >> Fuel Cell Vehicle: A vehicle powered by a fuel cell, usually hydrogen. This is essentially an electric vehicle but using a liquid to store energy rather than a battery.

GHG >> Green House Gases: A gas that in the atmosphere prevents heat from radiating back into space, and thus warms the earth (the greenhouse effect). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most common greenhouse gas. Methane (CH4) is another GHG, and has approximately twenty times the greenhouse effect as CO2 in the atmosphere.

HEV >> Hybrid Electric Vehicle: A vehicle which is powered by both electricity and another fuel, usually petrol/gas (eg Toyota Prius). This is usually just a more efficient way of using the standard fuel as there is no external source of electricity. A vehicle that combines conventional power production (e.g. an ICE) and an electric motor.

ICE >> Internal Combustion Engine: the standard way to power a vehicle, this part is removed when converting to an electric car.

J-1772 >> Standard The North American SAE standard for the design on the Charge Coupler.

KW >> Kilowatt: a measure of power. Power is energy per time.

Level 1 EVSE >> Level 1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: 120 volt Charging Equipment. Can fully charges EV in about 18 hours a PHEV may charge to capacity in six (6) hours.

LEV >> Low Emission Vehicle U.S. classification for passenger vehicle emissions. Not as Strict as ULEV, SULEV and PZEV.

Level 2 EVSE >> Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: 240 volt Charging Equipment. A faster and preferred way to Charge EVs or BEVs in no more than 8 hours depending on battery and vehicle type.

Level 3 EVSE >> Level 3 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: High voltage DC Charging Equipment. Requires three-phase electric service. The fastest way to recharge an EV or BEV to 80 percent capacity

Li-ion >> Lithium Ion Or Lithium-ion polymer: a type of rechargeable battery in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode (anode) to the positive electrode (cathode) during discharge, and from the cathode to the anode when charged.

LiCoO2 >> Lithium Cobalt Oxide battery chemistry

LiFePO4 >> Lithium Iron Phosphate battery chemistry

LiPo >> Lithium Polymer battery chemistry

(No Abbreviation) >> Range Anxiety: The concern that one does not have enough stored energy in their EV or BEV to reach their destination without having to seek a recharging location.

NCM >> Nano Crystalline Motor: Conducts energy approx 10 times more efficiently than Iron core motors.

NEV >> Neighborhood Electric Vehicle: Used for short trips around ones community. Church, School, meeting, etc

NiCd or NiCad >> Nickel Cadmium battery chemistry

NiMH >> Nickel-Metal Hydride battery chemistry

Pb-Acid >> Lead-Acid battery chemistry

PHEV >> Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle: A hybrid electric vehicle with a substantial battery pack which is able to be charged by an external source other than its fossil fuel (i.e. plugged into household electricity). These vehicles often have the ability to travel is a 'pure electric mode' without using any conventional fuels.

PWM >> Pulse Width Modulation: a high-efficiency technique for controlling voltage output in a motor controller.

PZEV >> Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle U.S. classification for passenger vehicle emissions. PZEVs have zero evaporative emissions from its fuel system while being driven than a typical gasoline car has while just idling and a 15 year / 150,000 mile warranty warranty on its emission-control components. Stricter that SULEV, LEV and ULEV.

RBS >> Regenerative Braking Systems: An EV with a braking system that uses the braking RPM load to charge the onboard batteries.

RPM >> Revolutions per minute: is a measure of the frequency of rotation. It is a measured quantity of the output of a motor. Horsepower calculated from Torque multiplied by RPM divided by the constant 5252. P = T x R ÷ 5252

SAE >> Society of Automotive Engineers: a non-profit educational and scientific organization dedicated to advancing automotive technology.

SULEV >> Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle: U.S. classification for passenger vehicle emissions. The classification is based on producing 90% less emissions than an equivalent gasoline-powered vehicle. SULEV is a stricter standard than LEV and ULEV, however not as strict as PZEV.

ULEV >> Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle: U.S. classification for passenger vehicle emissions. A motor vehicle that emits extremely low levels of motor vehicle emissions compared to other vehicles. In some jurisdictions it is defined in law;
California defines a ULEV as a vehicle that has been verified by the CARB to emit 50% less polluting emissions than the average for new cars released in that model year.

VRLA >> Valve Regulated Lead Acid battery unit. Also known as a sealed battery or maintenance free battery, is a type of lead-acid rechargeable battery.

ZEV >> Zero Emissions Vehicle: ZEVs have zero tailpipe emissions are 98% cleaner than the average new model year vehicle. These include battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Happy Learning!