e-Golf serviceable in non-CARB states?

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Feb 16, 2018
Any midwestern e-golf owners out there? Are you able to get this car serviced at non e-golf dealerships?
And yes, I called my local dealer, and they were anything but helpful answering this question.
Strongly considering buying from a CARB state, but just want to make sure I can get it serviced somewhere within the Madison, WI area (even Chicago).
brick said:
Any midwestern e-golf owners out there? Are you able to get this car serviced at non e-golf dealerships?
And yes, I called my local dealer, and they were anything but helpful answering this question.
Strongly considering buying from a CARB state, but just want to make sure I can get it serviced somewhere within the Madison, WI area (even Chicago).

What kind of service do you need on an electric car? Rotate tires, check brakes, change wipers? Any dealership can do that. If you have electrical problems, they will fly a specialist in to fix your car. You might be car less while doing this, or they might give you a rental car while your's is down.

Honestly, unless you have a 2nd car, I'd shy away from buying out of state. Very, very few VW techs have the knowledge and training to work on these when something goes wrong, such that VW flies specialists in all the time from all over out of state to fix them, except perhaps in California.