Dumb question about battery kW-h

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user 1485

May 14, 2018
I've looked through all the menus and dash options I can find, but can't seem to locate if there anything that shows how many kW-h the battery currently has at a given time. Is there a place to find this? Or do we only have the dash meter/main screen meter to go off of?

2017 SEL without the digital cockpit, if that matters.
This information is not displayed in the car's gauges or infotainment system. You only get a "fuel" gauge that gives you an estimate of percent usable battery state of charge (SOC). If you purchase a dongle and program like OBDEleven, you can delve into the car's computer systems and find the kWh value. I have a 2017 LE and I estimate the car has a usable 32 kWh when full. Unless you need all 32 kWh, I don't recommend you charge to 100% SOC routinely - you should only charge to 70% or 80% on a daily basis to preserve battery capacity (especially when ambient temps are above 95F, as the e-Golf has no TMS). Best of luck.
Someone posted a helpful hack here a few months ago, where if you login to the carnet website and resize a frame, you'll get the battery as a decimal number (i.e. 0.58) which may be helpful in doing the calculations. Try a few searches and you should find it.
Yes, on the carnet website, if you manipulate the image correctly, you can get a decimal readout on usable battery SOC, but you need third party software/hardware (OBDII dongle) to read the battery usable energy in kWh. While doing the calculation give you a rough idea, because VW doesn't provide enough significant figures in the in-car readouts, you'll get a more accurate measurement of usable capacity through the third party software by directly querying the car's computer.
Assume 32 kWh useable battery, (which is more than close enough for this excercise.) Look at the equivalent of a "gas" gauge on the dash board. There is 8 clicks clockwise of 12 o'clock, straight up, and 8 clicks down to the end of the red, bottom of reserve, or "Empty" Total of 16 click.

Therefore, there's 2 kWh per click on a 2017 or 2018 e-Golf, approximately, as shown on the "gas gauge".

You can get a LOT more miles per kWh driving the car in a conservative, patient, manner, than being lazy and being a one foot driver, instead of using some common sense and conserving yo,ur momentum, by driving in D mode and coasting as much as practical. It's really easy to do, if you are truly "driving" and not multitasking doing stuff that's distracting from your main function, operating a 3400 # motor vehicle, that can kill others when in motion.