Speak of the devil! And my first post! :mrgreen:
I just completed this a few days ago during the rainiest weekend in memory from Hayward to SF to San Diego over the course of about 36 hours. It was not a continuous charging and driving session BTW. Here's the background:
I have been looking to lease an eGolf SE w/ FC for some time.
http://ev-vin.blogspot.com/ was crucial in making the decision on where to get it. I was considering whether to have it shipped down for about $600 or make a road trip out of it for what I guestimated would cost about $400. Then about two weeks ago despite the weather reports, I decided I was going to make the trip the following weekend, so told VW Hayward that I wanted a lease, and created accounts for Chargepoint and EVgo for the return trip down the 101. The map on Plugshare made it pretty obvious that I-5 was not an option.
My conclusions:
1. eGolf SE w/ FC is definitely not a road trip car.
2. Its a BIG FATAL assumption to think that the Fast Chargers are always up, running, and available.
3. There is usually only one Fast Charger at each "station."
4. Rate of charging drops for the last 10-15%, and makes fast charging expensive when stations have per time charge on top of the kWh charge. In another words, don't try to top off.
5. Slower driving = more mileage per charge, but the danger you pose to yourself and other drivers increases as the difference between the traffic speed and your speed increases.
6. Condensation becomes a safety problem running on Eco+ mode if temperature is much colder outside. At some point, you have to decide to run the HVAC or roll down the windows. (if its not raining

7. Butt warmer at the lowest setting seems to suck less energy than the HVAC. The alternative is to throw on more layers.
Total trip was 615 miles and I averaged 3.9 mi/kWh, with 99% of it on Eco+ mode. Travel time for the last 461 miles was 9:53. I lost the information for the first 154 miles because the odometer/computer controls are so counter-intuitive. I made 10x FC stops (7x Chargepoint, 3x EVgo) and 4x Level 2 stops.
Chargepoint has better web/app presence and accessibility, but their phone customer service and the reliability of their fast charge stations left something to be desired. EVgo on the other hand has no web/app presence, but their customer service and the fast charge station reliability were excellent. Because I have no realtime view of usage with EVgo, I'm a bit fearful of the bill I will receive next month.
Anyways, if I was ever to do this again, I would plan for about a 4 day trip to take advantage of all the free/low cost Level 2 chargers and to enjoy the scenery along the way.