Background: 2015 SEL. I have a 2kW off grid solar system for my house that would have to dip into the batteries if I charged at the full 12A or whatever the max amps is for the 120V charger that came with the car supplies. For that reason from time to time I would like to charge at 5A so that I can remain net positive during the sun hours and still use other household appliances.
Problem: When set for 5A via Carnet app, the car refuses to charge for any significant length of time (usually sub minute). It will click on like it's beginning to charge and sometimes it starts to charge, other times it will not, but even if it does start, it will eventually stop with no errors, no charge fault error lights on the charger, no notification on the dash, just stopped. I have a Wattsup meter monitoring the charger and the household parameters all look acceptable before, during, and after charging, the voltage sag at 5A brings it down to like 116V, shouldn't be an issue there. At 12A it sags even more (113V) but is rock solid, never have I gone back to my car and discovered it just stopped charging like it does at 5A. I'm still collecting data at 10A setting, so far I've been charging at 10A for a few hours without it stopping, but I faintly remember having some problems at 10A before (this has been an ongoing issue that I'm now just getting around to troubleshooting). I'll keep it at 10A because the difference between 10A and MAX is about half a diddly squat with the 120V charger, so why not.
Not the answer: My initial though was it was my off grid inverter, maybe the sine wave wasn't as clean as it should be? Well, fortunately I still have access to grid power with the flip of a few breakers, and sure enough, same issue with grid power, so that's not it. My current theory is the Delphi charger will just autodisconnect if the power is less than some current draw, but I'm open to other ideas/suggestions.
Problem: When set for 5A via Carnet app, the car refuses to charge for any significant length of time (usually sub minute). It will click on like it's beginning to charge and sometimes it starts to charge, other times it will not, but even if it does start, it will eventually stop with no errors, no charge fault error lights on the charger, no notification on the dash, just stopped. I have a Wattsup meter monitoring the charger and the household parameters all look acceptable before, during, and after charging, the voltage sag at 5A brings it down to like 116V, shouldn't be an issue there. At 12A it sags even more (113V) but is rock solid, never have I gone back to my car and discovered it just stopped charging like it does at 5A. I'm still collecting data at 10A setting, so far I've been charging at 10A for a few hours without it stopping, but I faintly remember having some problems at 10A before (this has been an ongoing issue that I'm now just getting around to troubleshooting). I'll keep it at 10A because the difference between 10A and MAX is about half a diddly squat with the 120V charger, so why not.
Not the answer: My initial though was it was my off grid inverter, maybe the sine wave wasn't as clean as it should be? Well, fortunately I still have access to grid power with the flip of a few breakers, and sure enough, same issue with grid power, so that's not it. My current theory is the Delphi charger will just autodisconnect if the power is less than some current draw, but I'm open to other ideas/suggestions.