Alberta E-Golf

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Oct 6, 2018
I just bought a 2018 E-Golf two provinces over from Winnipeg. I should get it delivered in about 2 weeks. EVs are pretty rare here in Alberta, full price, no incentives. I'm even paying more than MSRP. When I looked up Canadian sales numbers it looks like only 4 have been sold this year in Alberta. Rare car here! The Calgary dealer does have a demo car for test drives, just no stock. Obviously loved the test drive and kept looking on autotrader until I found one somewhere in Canada willing to ship to Alberta. I'm not buying for financial reasons but I hope to save around $2k in gas each year.

Anyway I'm super excited regardless. Having a NEMA 14-50 outlet installed and just ordered a JuiceBox Pro 40.

Any other Western Canadians on here? It'll be interesting to see the winter range. Worst I've seen reported on a blog site is 89KM, which is still enough for our commuting.

I'll be getting base model, white, cloth. Just like I wanted.

I'm in Eastern Canada unfortunately but I just wanted to say congrats!

I guess we'll see how the winter range goes. I have found though that when I have a little too much fun with it, I can easily use up double the number of kilometres I would've needed for my trip. In perfectly good EV weather too :) I think economic driving style could be more of a factor that the weather - but I'm excited to see how it holds up during winter. Even if the range is halved, it'll be alright for my commute too.

Good luck with everything! And enjoy it! It's brilliant :)