"Action Rejected"

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Dec 30, 2014
Has anyone received the response "Action Rejected" when using the smartphone app to initiate climate control and/or charging?

Since Departure time charging is unreliable, I've initiated charging hours after I've parked and plugging in, before bed. Every since time I've tapped on "start charging" and also in the morning when I start climate control, the app returns a red message bar stating that the action was rejected. When I try either again a second time, it gives me the green message bar and the car does what it's supposed to.

Seems to happen to me every time now. Didn't happen at all before. I have Verizon as a mobile carrier for my phone so I know our wireless signal is strong.
I get that error maybe 20% of the time I try to start the climate/defrost options. However, we do not have the best Verizon coverage, so I assumed it was due to that.
I get the action rejected about 1/2 the time too. In my opinion, the correct answer for any carnet problem you're having is, the implementation of carnet is crap! Until VW fixes it, we're all going to have tons of problems with it. A bunch of college students could have coded a less buggy app.
I got it for the first time yesterday trying to start the climate control before leaving work. I immediately re-tried and it worked, so I don't know what the problem was. Just general CarNet flakiness I suppose but your situation sounds worse if it's happening all the time.
I get "action rejected" more often than I get it to succeed. I do two things with the remote, turn on the climate control, and to check on its charging status. Even when it claims to have started up the heat, I go out, and it isn't running.

I try to get it to tell me time remaining on charge, hitting the "refresh" button, and still get "4 hours ago", and no change in the charge level.

Since any action involving carnet takes 10's of seconds, I never use the remote function to unlock, as any time I would want to unlock it, I would be in range of the regular fob. The other day, I had parked, and was about a block away, when I wondered if I had remembered to lock the thing. Guess which button can't be found on the app's fob substitute.

The only things regarding the lock status I would want access to when I wasn't there to see it, would be to unlock the charger port (and charger port only), for the case of a shared charge point, or the "did I remember" lockup.

Oh yea, its very unlikely that poor cell service is an issue. I can see cell towers from my driveway.
For those not following other threads, check out my post here:


In short, someone reported that pushing the i button could get you to a person who could push an update to the car-net software over-the-air. I tried this and after updating my software, I haven't since seen the action rejected message (although it's only been a half day). One other thing to note, the tech support guy said he's never heard of any e-golf owner seeing the "action rejected" message... so if you still see it, be sure to push i and get a tech support person and report this so at least they know it's a real problem.
Went to turn on the heater this morning. This time I couldn't even log in. After getting passed around, and some amount of truly awful hold music, they decided they had a server outage.

Anyone know how they built the system? Are the timers running in the car, or does it take the server successfully reaching out to get a timed function to happen? Will future server outages mean that delayed charges don't happen, or just that you can't change the settings.
After calling Carnet via the in car button, I was transferred to their customer support. They were polite and tried to assist, but made no difference in fixing anything. I mentioned the frequent "Action Rejected" error message plus the unreliable delay of charging.

I was driving to work when I called them. Spoke to a technical support rep that said that they would send an update to my car and that the car for the next hour needs to be left out in the open. She mentioned that I needed to also reboot my phone and that she would call me back an hour later to followup.

Fast forward two hours later she did call me back and she asked if that fixed the problem. I said that I wouldn't know until I tried it over the next few days. I asked if the delay of charge feature is a Car-net issue or one that I needed to take up with VW. She said that she would have to ask and that she would get back to me. When she called me back she left a message on my voicemail saying that her supervisor sees that I have the minimum charge setting at 10% and that I should set it for 30%.

As of today I still have the action rejected issue and their recommendation to change the minimum charge setting shows their lack of understanding of how the system works.

As far as the question of where the timer lies, whether in the car or over the verizon Car-net system. I believe that it's in the car itself. One time I was parked in an underground lot with and EVSE that didn't have any cell signal. The car still charged on time like it was supposed to.
Just an update from me: I had luck with starting/stopping climate control maybe 4-5 times in a row... but I just got the dreaded "action rejected" again. I'll be sure to call in again later and report that they didn't actually fix the problem with the magic sauce of restarting phone and pushing an update.