2015 model used - issues I should look for?

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Feb 22, 2018
Hi -

I have a rare opportunity (I'm in Colorado) to purchase (well, make an even trade from my Subaru Outback to a 2015 SEL egolf). Since it's from a VW dealership, they have also said they would service it, even though we are not a CARB state.

Are there issues I should look for? Right now, it seems as the battery depletion could be an issue. I test drove it about 10 miles yesterday and almost half of the battery was depleted. Also, the cabin heat was iffy - sometimes cold, sometimes hot.

I have searched on the threads, and will search more? But are there a list of known issues I should have them look at before I think about trading? Maybe this isn't a good egolf that I drove?

I also have the option of trading for a Rav4 EV - which I would like, but I think servicing could be an issue as there is only one independent person here who said they can work on it. But, it maybe just fine...

That said, I could lease a new Leaf, but I think the windshield gave me a headache. Wanting to get into the EV world, but have a realiable gas car I like that is hard to leave!
Ask for the car to be charged to half full. Then drive it on surface streets for 10 miles. The gauge should drop right around 2 marks in 10 miles. Press the button on the infotainment center and set it up to show driving data for the trip, and what your miles per KWh is. You should be able to get 4 to 5 miles per kWh, on surface streets.

Really, this car is suitable as an urban crawler.... not much more. Short trips in town in heavy traffic on Blvd's and surface streets is where it does well. It does lousy on freeways, highways and interstates, you deplete the battery far too fast at those kinds of speeds above 40 to 45 MPH, cruising.