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  1. V

    I should have done more research

    Thanks! I'm hoping that in the next year or so the 7.2kw charger upgrade would be feasible
  2. V

    I should have done more research

    Good news. After a few weeks of negotiating with the VW dealer, they are giving me $1,000 to pay for the Bosch charger and installation!
  3. V

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    The 2015 models had the same chargers in the two different trim levels... they changed that are trying to hide it, in my opinion.
  4. V

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    OK fine but this is what is being put on windows of SE models... clearly a misstatement.
  5. V

    Changing Radio Stations from Wiper Stalk...odd issues

    You can change stations with wiper stalk?? How do you do that?
  6. V

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    My sticker says 3.7hours as well. I just don't see how its possible to charge the car in 3.7 hours with a 3.6kW charger...
  7. V

    2016 SE e-golf: 4 hours of charge time or not?

    I am in the same boat as you. I recently purchased a 2016 SE model from Huntington and the sales guy assured me that there were no charging difference between the 2 trim levels. So, when I plugged it into a chargepoint station I quickly realized that I don't have a 7.2kwh charger. I looked at my...
  8. V

    I should have done more research

    Yes! I completely agree. I tried telling them the same thing. Bosch's electrician wanted to charge $2k. These guys want ~$1,200. If anyone knows of an electrician in Orange county that can do it cheaper, please chime in.
  9. V

    I should have done more research

    I surveyed 3 Local electricians. They want $800-$900 plus additional $300-$350 for a permit. The charger is goin inside my garage about 5ft away from the electrical panel (not outside or the driveway). Pretty simple job. But $1,200-$1,300??? Definitely not worth it, in my opinion...
  10. V

    I should have done more research

    Hmm, I always thought if you are doing work on your own house, your fine from the legal aspect. I agree with you that if I want the tax incentive I would need a permit but in my case I don't think its worth the $2k when I'm only spending less than $100 in parts
  11. V

    I should have done more research

    Yes, 240v homeline. No, I'm not going to pay $2k for it. That's just what Boschs recommended electrician quoted me :lol: I will install it myself on a dedicated 40amp circuit. I just received the Bosch charger today!
  12. V

    I should have done more research

    @miimura I am in the process of installing a 220v line at home which should help my situation. Should cut down my charge time in half if I understand it correctly.
  13. V

    I should have done more research

    Yes @nswartzb you are correct this is exactly what I do. This is my first EV so I still have range anxiety. I would like to be fully charged before driving. So what I was originally complaining about is it would cost me 2x to charge at work using 3.6kw charger vs 7.2kw charger and if I knew that...
  14. V

    I should have done more research

    Thanks @thecrave! I didn't know that the KW are split! I get to work pretty early so I'm always the first one to plug in but about an hour later all the stations are used; so, I'm assuming I would only be able to draw 3.3kw max anyways as you stated.
  15. V

    I should have done more research

    I would agree if I didn't have to charge at work everyday. But I do. So it all adds up at the end. I'm getting more and more angry about this.
  16. V

    I should have done more research

    Thanks @johnnylingo! This is great. Wish I saw this before I bought the car! I'm going to print it out and tape it to every eGolf on their lot, ha. I'm hoping that in the near future I would be able to upgrade to a faster charger for a reasonable cost (although it doesn't sound like it as of...
  17. V

    I should have done more research

    Thanks for your posts and word of comfort. I currently have a 45 mile commute to work (each way) and chargepoint stations available at work but still had I known about the charging differences I would have most likely held off until the SE+7.2kw model was available. In the mornings there is no...
  18. V

    I should have done more research

    I was thinking about buying an electric car. I got into a small car accident a few weeks ago, so I figured its time to buy a new car. I looked into the Volt, i3, and eGolf. Loved the eGolf and the price! I did some research online (mainly the VW website) and from what I gathered the only...