overheat warning

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Apr 18, 2019
2016 e-Golf. I was recently driving home from work on surface streets (35-40 MPH with stop signs and stop lights and traffic about 65 degrees F.), Suddenly after about 20 miles of that a warning I had never seen came on, the engine overheat warning. I babied it and got it home. After some research I checked the electric motor coolant tank (it was at the max fill line) I took it to my dealer, they put it on the computer and NOTHING. They tried to reproduce the error, NOTHING.

Anyone else seen this behavior?
2016 e-Golf. I was recently driving home from work on surface streets (35-40 MPH with stop signs and stop lights and traffic about 65 degrees F.), Suddenly after about 20 miles of that a warning I had never seen came on, the engine overheat warning. I babied it and got it home. After some research I checked the electric motor coolant tank (it was at the max fill line) I took it to my dealer, they put it on the computer and NOTHING. They tried to reproduce the error, NOTHING.

Anyone else seen this behavior?
Not seen it. Should be a stored code. Could be a bad sensor or faulty circulation pump if coolant level is ok.