Windsheild Replacement?

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Feb 23, 2018
Has anyone had to replace their windsheild yet? I have a 2017 model with the electric defroster filaments in the windsheild (not sure if 2015-16 do as well), and I'm concerned that this may be a more complicated job than a straightforward replacement like with other cars. Is it a "dealer only" job, or can a body shop do it?

Interested in hearing anyone's first-hand experiences.

The eGolf isn't the only car to have this. An RX-350 I had a while back had this too - in fact there were 6 distinct replacement parts listed for that car. The biggest gotcha is making sure the glass shop is clear on your features and they bring the right part number. Any competent window place can handle this.
The only difference in windshields between the eGolf and ICEV versions is the embedded defroster wires, really not much different than the back window (just with much finer wires). I don't see why an experienced glass shop would have any more difficulty with installation.

As mentioned above, the biggest worry is that they install a windshield for an ICEV Golf, and while it would technically fit, it's one less feature than the car originally came with.

Also as mentioned above, this not new, other cars have had this. It was an optional feature on the Ford Taurus going back to the late 1980's (called "InstaClear"). Other cars, like my friend's 2nd gen Celica, had a radio antenna embedded in the windshield, so there was also a wire to deal with.