The most important thing to consider before buying an electric car is where you will charge every day. If you cannot be guaranteed a place to plug in every night at home or every day at work, I don't recommend getting one. Grubbing for electrons at public chargers on a regular basis is really a drag. If you have a convenient place to charge every day, then fast chargers near your home don't matter. It's the ones that are 50-100 miles away from home in the directions that you generally travel that matter the most. The e-Golf is not a long distance car. Even with perfectly ideal placement and availability of fast chargers along your route, doing a 30 minute stop every 75 miles on a 400 mile trip would be a drag. However, a trip from North LA County to San Diego. No problem. Just stop once at the Shops at Mission Viejo, grab a bite to eat at the mall, then drive the rest of the way to San Diego. One fast charge, no problem.