Where is the Owner's Manual?

Volkswagen e-Golf Forum

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Sep 3, 2015
I bought a used e-Golf last week. It did not come with an owner's manual. The dealer could not locate one. I found a Web style manual online, and an APP for an iPhone/iPad. The Web manual is hard to use, and I don't have an iPhone/iPad. Not to mention what to do if there is no phone or internet access when I need to look something up :(
Does anyone know of a source for a real manual? A link to a PDF manual would be a suitable alternative.
Here you go: https://carmanuals2.com/brand/volkswagen/e-golf-2015-6389

It's broken up by section but the three spot checks I did to my manual showed it had the same content.

That all said, I've found the manual to be atrocious. Even the instrument cluster diagram is flat out wrong. Poking around, checking the forums seem to be the way to get things working.
Thank you! The site you referred to is much easier to deal with. Luckily, I have the manual kit for a 2015 Sportwagen and was able to find out how to use the Nav system.