Tracking my order?

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Mar 20, 2018
Does anyone know how I can track my order? I received an email from VW Canada apologizing for the delay in getting my car (ordered August 1, 2017), and that if I wanted to back out I could, and get my deposit back. Or - if I wanted to keep waiting it would be delivered by Sept 30, 2018. My dealer said that as soon as I confirmed my car would get put into production - but neither my dealer, nor VW Canada have responded to my requests for a tracking number. Thoughts anyone?
Ejule said:
Does anyone know how I can track my order? I received an email from VW Canada apologizing for the delay in getting my car (ordered August 1, 2017), and that if I wanted to back out I could, and get my deposit back. Or - if I wanted to keep waiting it would be delivered by Sept 30, 2018. My dealer said that as soon as I confirmed my car would get put into production - but neither my dealer, nor VW Canada have responded to my requests for a tracking number. Thoughts anyone?

Did you sign a separate sold order form?

I heard the only way to track the order is to keep bugging the dealer. Only a dealer have access to the order status. My neighbor ordered an E-GOLF last year. He signed a sold order form in April when he was told the car would be delivered by Sept 2018. He still had no build date the last time I spoke with him earlier this month.
I don't know if it will work in Canada, but there are a few people over on vwvortex who work at dealerships and are willing to track orders. I'd poke around the forums over there and see if you can find someone.